VPL Fosters Connections
One of the many gems of the Central Library in downtown Vancouver is the Inspiration Lab. Here, professional studio spaces, and recording and editing equipment are available to everyone in our community to make their creative visions come to life.
The Gift of Story: Capturing Family Memories
The Library lets us do so much. It lets us learn new skills, gives us a chance to share our stories, and provides opportunities to create memories that will last a lifetime. Leanne’s Library experience is a special one.
Lisa’s Library Story
VPL works with community partners to deliver the Mother Goose program, where parents are supported in nurturing language development through rhymes, songs and stories.
Marilyn’s Library Story
As a librarian, former library trustee, and a patron herself, Marilyn is all too aware of the impact the Vancouver Public Library has on people’s lives.
Bringing Together Families with Man in the Moon
“How do I connect in a meaningful way with my child?” This is a question that many caregivers ask themselves, but don’t know the answer. Fortunately, VPL programs like Man in the Moon exist to provide a welcoming space just for male caregivers.
Reading Buddies
In July of 2013 Vancouver Public Library’s first “Reading Buddies” program started at the Renfrew branch. This program pairs children in grades 2-4 with reading difficulties with a teen mentor.
Connecting Newcomers
Mohammed Alsaleh came to Canada as a refugee from Syria. “Staying in the country was not an option – I had to leave,” he says, having had family and friends killed and his hometown destroyed by war.
Bringing Seniors Together
Ask Donna Hossack about what she loves about Vancouver Public Library and be prepared for an enthusiastic answer.