Welcome to the VPL Foundation

Reading Buddies

Reading Buddies

In July of 2013 Vancouver Public Library’s first “Reading Buddies” program started at the Renfrew branch. This program pairs children in grades 2-4 with reading difficulties with a teen mentor. This six week mentoring program provides local teens with a meaningful volunteer opportunity with the chance to build their confidence, develop leadership skills, and feel good about giving back as they support their “little buddy.” The younger children benefit from a less formal learning environment where they can pursue their own interests to foster a love of reading. Their teen mentors work with them each week to build their literacy skills.

“My daughter was very shy and scared to read aloud, but now, after Reading Buddies, she is so much more confident and reads aloud with no hesitation.”


"I am grateful to VPL because some of my students want to volunteer with children and have a positive impact on their communities [and they are able to] at the library."

Highschool teacher

, VPL can offer this highly in-demand program across more of its 21 branches and bring it to the neighbourhoods that need it most.